Update 24 01 2015
Virgin is dumping its ADSL customers on
Talk Talk.
Despite saying that this was a follow up
of an earlier email it was a lie.
I thought it was just me that had missed
the earlier email but not so.
Please read the forum click on the link
below : -
Just two of the many posts copied below
from the link above.
Also note he is dropping his rates on
instant access accounts
in Virgin Money, the old Northern
Tesco got too big for their boots as well
: )
Thanks a lot Richard Branson.
Virgin Broadband prices
go up yet again.
That is twice this year alone : (
26 09 12
If Richard Branson stopped wasting so much money on Virgin Galactic,
we could enjoy a stable price as it should be in these times of low
Has Richard Branson lost touch
with all the customers
who once though of him as a man of the people.
Just like the power companies we are being milked at every chance.
How much more money do you need Richard honestly ?

Net worth: US$ 4.2 billion (2012)
The $209 million taxpayer financed
spaceport, will be a launch station for
people and payloads on the rocket ships being developed for Virgin Galactic.

After these remarks I expect our broadband will go off : )
Inflation is insanity, put your price up and others will put their
prices up and so it goes on, its crazy.
When you are worth 4.2 billion a few pounds increase
is nether here or there, but to the average guy it is different.
You cant take it with you Richard, but you could spread some love around : )
I understand that the switch will take place this week giving me little time to sort anything else.
I thought that Virgin were a decent company: how wrong was I!